She found a picture she liked and started. This is where I came in. We traded off painting. Morgan helped me with it. We worked on it all of Saturday. It still isn't done, almost though.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
A Day With Morgan (and a little more painting on Sunday)
My mom wants a painting in our dining room. She bought a canvas and had Morgan go to work. The out come had not gone as they planned, but you can always start over. That is what she did.

Saturday, November 10, 2012
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Abc News
My dad got to go talk on good things Utah on Saturday. Josh and I tagged along with him. It was really cool down there, we got to see how all the t.v. was set up and how they work it all. My dad talked on West Nile and how it has affected him. When he was talking about I remembered back, I was only seven. My whole family was scared because people have died from it before. After he was done talking Josh and I took some pictures.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Saturday, August 4, 2012
My First Time
A couple days ago I kept asking my parents if we could go to the temple to do baptisms for the dead. My dad got us a day and temple names. This morning I woke up and got dressed and went to the church with my dad, who just recently got called to be a 1st counsler, to get interviewed. My dad filled me out a reccommend, then we drove home to finished getting ready. I straightend my hair in 5 seconds, but it is so thin anyway it doesn't really matter. My dad, mom, Kendon, Morgan, Haylee, and I drove down to the Logan Temple. When we got there the baptism Ladies showed us to the dressing room and found our sizes of the clothes. We got changed then went to confirmation room. We got confirmed by my dad then they showed us to the baptism room. When I went in the water I started to get this good feeling inside. The baptizer guy showed me what to do with my arms then put me under. I did about 7 names then went in to the shower. We went back into the dressing room and got changed. After awhile of hanging out once we got home my mom had me help her with the new/old, or let's just say yard sale dresser. It's for when I move into Haylee's room. My mom had me clean it out, then she spray painted it.

This is the before, and the after.
This is the before, and the after.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Girls Camp
On July 17th was the day of girls camp. My cousin from Viet nam Aleah was coming and so was my mom and Brooke. We all drove up to Willow Flats, and then had lunch. They called out who was in who's tent. I think in my opinion I got the best tent mates.
- Brooke- my sister
- Aleah- my cousin
- Vanessa- my best friend and neighbor
- Kalli- my friend from school
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Fun day with Morgan
Well to wrap everything up from forever ago, there was Abby's baby blessing. She was so cute in her dress, and she got to wear Makenna's baby blessing shoes. After that we had the Fulfords stay with us. We had lots of fun there. Now we have the Vietnam cousins staying with us. Yesterday Morgan was off work so we made a fun to do list with her, which was...
Then we did sidewalk chalk paint. To make it you do 1 cup corn starch, 1 cup water and add food coloring. It is so cool you put it on as paint and it dries as chalk.
- Make Icies
- Get cute
- Paint nails
- Sidewalk chalk paint
Then we did sidewalk chalk paint. To make it you do 1 cup corn starch, 1 cup water and add food coloring. It is so cool you put it on as paint and it dries as chalk.
After that we did the icies. We have a maker for it and we have 3 flavors.
And today I am going to girls camp! With Brooke and Aleah!
Saturday, July 7, 2012
A Whole Lot Of Family Time
On the third we woke up at seven to go up to Rich field. All of my dad's side go up to the 4th every year. It took a long 4 hours to drive up. We stayed in a hotel so we drove there first. Our hotel room was next to Alyssa, Dustin, and Abby's. Then we went to Grandma Harrison's house. We all hugged everyone then talked for a while. We had sandwiches for lunch. We just hanged out the rest of the day. At the end of the day all the more little kids went to the school park. Our family drove back to the hotel and slept. The next morning we went to hotel breakfast then got ready for the parade. All of us jumped into the car and drove to the parade. I almost got a whole bag full. We drove back to grandma's house and played light games. Most families left on the 4th but we stayed. We walked to go watch the fireworks. After they were done we walked back and did sparklers. We went back to the hotel and then left the next day. On the car ride my dad asked us if we wanted to go to the Barkers, so me, Brooke, and Josh went to stay there. When we first got there we had lunch then watched t.v. while playing risk. Me and Brooke tried to learn a song in Vietnamese that Aleah taught us. Jessie, Brooke, Aleah, and I all slept in Jessie's room. The next day we went to the Payson pool. When we got back we all took showers. Then we had dinner. Brady wanted us to go play soccer so we did that. Once we got back from that we went straight to bed. The next day we had to go so we packed all morning then packed the car. We had breakfast then left. Then late tonight The Fulfords are coming then we are going to Abby's baby blessing the next day (but I'll write about those later.)
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Morgan's Birthday
It is my sister, Morgan's birthday to day. We forgot to hang up her signs the night before so we had to do it in the morning. She turned 18 and the most exciting thing to her about being 18 is that she can order dry ice. She wanted creamed eggs on toast for breakfast so we had that. After breakfast we did presents. During this time I put my new camera that I got from my birthday to good use.
And after that I worked on some of my gymnastics moves. Including the donut and the chest stand.
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